Sometimes I feel like I'm so far behind everything in life that I'll never catch up. Other times I'm feeling like I'm actually getting ahead. Either way I have discovered that it's never ending. All of the little things that we have to do are just ongoing and try as I might, I will NEVER be done. But, you know what, I'm beginning to see that it's okay! Sure, my house is probably messy and my car has a funny smell to it. I'm certain that the cats would not get fed often if it weren't for the automatic feeder and please don't ask when I watered the plants last. But, yesterday I did paint egg cartons to look like caterpillars and I made an owl mask too! I took a walk to the park and enjoyed the sunshine. Why? Because of this...
God didn't put us here to survive. He put us here to THRIVE.
We have an amazing God who loves us and he is watching over us. No, he's not going to send some angel to clean my house (although I will accept volunteers...) and he isn't going to make things easy, but he doesn't care if my house is clean either! He wants me to thrive. To take time to love, worship, play, enjoy!
I'm so guilty of working on the house, working on homework, working on SOMETHING that all too often I forget to just breathe.
I'm challenging myself to be still and KNOW that he is GOD. Are you?
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Summertime :)
Let me preface this blog by saying that I truly LOVE living in the PNW (Pacific Northwest for those of you who aren't familiar with this amazing area of the country!) However, I am ready for summer! After living in the south for so long, I'm used to summer coming early and HOT. So far it hasn't come early and it certainly hasn't been hot for any amount of time. Today has been one of the exceptions, and it might actually be over 70 degrees outside, woohoo!
You know, ever since I turned 16 I have looked forward to being able to drive with the windows down, sunroof open and listen to some great music on the radio. Granted, driving with the windows down in the summer back then was out of necessity, the AC in my 1986 Volvo definitely didn't work, but I made the best of it!
Today, after meeting some new friends at a great park this morning, Hunter and I were driving to the grocery store with the with the windows down and I was enjoying every second of the wind in my face and the sun on my arm. As we pulled to a stop at a red light, it occurred to me that everyone else with their windows down was listening to some type of "cool" music. It also occurred to me that the music selection blaring from my windows included things like tubas, accordions and singing vegetables. Yes, right now VeggieTales is our top choice for car tunes :) For a brief moment I was embarrassed, wondering what in the world the cars around me must be thinking, and then I just laughed it off. I'm sure that 5 years ago I would have rather died than be seen driving around in a "soccer mom" car with kid music blaring from my windows, but my how life changes fast!
I'm so grateful to have a wonderfully functional vehicle that truly holds EVERYTHING, even if I do listen to VeggieTales far more than I would like. I'm grateful for the freedom to drive my vehicle where I want to go, whenever I want to drive it and to be allowed to listen to whatever I want! I pray that each of you can find the ability to be grateful for the simple things in life that we often take for granted, especially the freedom that we have in America.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a little boy who needs to get dressed for soccer. And don't worry, I'm sure we will be jamming to VeggieTales all the way there :)
You know, ever since I turned 16 I have looked forward to being able to drive with the windows down, sunroof open and listen to some great music on the radio. Granted, driving with the windows down in the summer back then was out of necessity, the AC in my 1986 Volvo definitely didn't work, but I made the best of it!
Today, after meeting some new friends at a great park this morning, Hunter and I were driving to the grocery store with the with the windows down and I was enjoying every second of the wind in my face and the sun on my arm. As we pulled to a stop at a red light, it occurred to me that everyone else with their windows down was listening to some type of "cool" music. It also occurred to me that the music selection blaring from my windows included things like tubas, accordions and singing vegetables. Yes, right now VeggieTales is our top choice for car tunes :) For a brief moment I was embarrassed, wondering what in the world the cars around me must be thinking, and then I just laughed it off. I'm sure that 5 years ago I would have rather died than be seen driving around in a "soccer mom" car with kid music blaring from my windows, but my how life changes fast!
I'm so grateful to have a wonderfully functional vehicle that truly holds EVERYTHING, even if I do listen to VeggieTales far more than I would like. I'm grateful for the freedom to drive my vehicle where I want to go, whenever I want to drive it and to be allowed to listen to whatever I want! I pray that each of you can find the ability to be grateful for the simple things in life that we often take for granted, especially the freedom that we have in America.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a little boy who needs to get dressed for soccer. And don't worry, I'm sure we will be jamming to VeggieTales all the way there :)
Friday, May 14, 2010
Meet Nemo!
So, as I mentioned in the previous post, I feel like we have been living in a state of chaos. Looking back through pictues I realize that I have a good reason to feel that way! At least it has all been good chaos, and I'm really glad to be approaching the end of our traveling (for a little while at least!)
In the past couple weeks we have celebrated my birthday, traveled to Texas, had mother's day there, started soccer, started potty training... the list goes on and on! My birthday present from Ben and Hunter is a new camera. I love it and the best part is that it is a gift I can share! Hope you enjoy all of the pictures!
Love, em
It's potty time!!!
So, I feel like it has been CHAOS for the past couple weeks, but at least we are back home for a while and that is a very welcome change :) Speaking of changes, we are currently beginning to potty train. Oh, my! I have discovered that potty training takes way more commitment from mommy than it does from anyone else. And a lot of clothing changes for mommy as well, but that's a different story...
We are on day three of this adventure, but we have been gearing up for it for quite a while now. We have lots of books, videos... you name it, we probably have it! I think my personal favorite is "The Potty Train." Chugga, chugga, POO POO!!! :) A great book for a little boy who loves trains! Anyway, yesterday we had two successful pees on the potty and one very successful poop!!! If you don't have toddlers you can't quite appreciate how exciting this is :)
As a reward for going poop on the potty, Hunter got his first pet. We are now the proud owners of a goldfish (actually a parrot fish) named Nemo!!! I will post pictures later of Hunter and Nemo. Hunter is absolutely in love with this fish, he held onto him the entire way home from the store and insisted that Nemo sleep in his room last night. After having Hunter in our room at 2:30 and again at 5:30 I have removed Nemo from Hunter's room, but he is still pretty excited about the fish!
Well, time to go and see if we need to go on the potty! I will try to post a few pictures from the wedding and of our new pet soon!
Love you all!
We are on day three of this adventure, but we have been gearing up for it for quite a while now. We have lots of books, videos... you name it, we probably have it! I think my personal favorite is "The Potty Train." Chugga, chugga, POO POO!!! :) A great book for a little boy who loves trains! Anyway, yesterday we had two successful pees on the potty and one very successful poop!!! If you don't have toddlers you can't quite appreciate how exciting this is :)
As a reward for going poop on the potty, Hunter got his first pet. We are now the proud owners of a goldfish (actually a parrot fish) named Nemo!!! I will post pictures later of Hunter and Nemo. Hunter is absolutely in love with this fish, he held onto him the entire way home from the store and insisted that Nemo sleep in his room last night. After having Hunter in our room at 2:30 and again at 5:30 I have removed Nemo from Hunter's room, but he is still pretty excited about the fish!
Well, time to go and see if we need to go on the potty! I will try to post a few pictures from the wedding and of our new pet soon!
Love you all!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Weekends and Worship
Now that Ben is done with school and back to a "normal" work schedule, I have come to really appreciate weekends. Of course, by "normal" I mean never knowing when he will be home and when he will be deploying, etc. :) But I will take what I can get and be very grateful that for right now at least, he is home on Saturday and Sunday!
This past weekend was especially nice since the boys decided to go to a gun show (and Chuck E. Cheese) so that I could have some much coveted time ALONE. Yes, you heard me right. Time alone!!! Oh, glorious day!!! The dilemma with time alone is always "what to do?" After a quick analysis of the house I decided that the cleaning could certainly wait. Instead I decided that I would go for a run and enjoy the trails that I can't run on with the jogging stroller. What a beautiful and peaceful way to start the weekend. I have never really loved running, but with the scenery here in Washington it's hard to imagine how you could NOT love running (or at least walking!) outside. Although I didn't run for long, it was an amazing way to start out my weekend and spend some time just enjoying God through his beautiful creation.
Sunday was even more glorious since the weather was sunny and beautiful! Hunter came to snuggle in bed with us, which is another one of my favorite things about weekends. We decided to go for a walk on a trail that had been closed for repairs and boy was I glad that we tried it! The path is about a mile or so down to the Puget Sound and it is the most amazing walk the whole way. The best part though was arriving at the vast, open and unoccupied beach. It is breathtaking. The pictures just don't do it justice, but you will all have to come out here and see it for yourselves. If you have ever doubted the existence of a Creator, all you need to do is come and see the views from our beautiful town. I can't imagine believing that all of this awesome beauty just evolved from some muck.
Anyway, I hope and pray that each one of you might be able to catch a glimpse of the amazing beauty that I found this weekend and that you might KNOW that our God is awesome and He alone is mighty to save.
Love you all!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Can you believe it?
In an attempt to actually keep up with my blog, I am writing for the third time in a month! A small miracle, but a miracle nonetheless :)
Right now Hunter and I are in IL visiting family and attending a baby shower for my baby sister (which is making me feel old, but that's a different story...) It is wonderful to see everyone here and I am so excited for Hunter's new cousin to arrive! I was petrified of flying alone with Hunter, but he did wonderful and I can only pray that he will do half as well on our return flight to see Ben. It was quite an adventure getting here between navigating the airport with a wild two year old, being delayed for 45 mins on the runway due to electrical problems with the plane and a poopy diaper during the flight, but we made it and we were even happy when we landed!
In just a couple weeks we will be traveling to TX for a wedding (congrats Jeremiah and Bethany!) and luckily we get to bring Ben with for that trip.
Nothing much exciting to report other than our trip, I will post pictures after I get back to Washington and get them all downloaded. In the meantime you will just have to be happy with my ramblings. Hope you all enjoyed all of the random pics!
Love, em
Right now Hunter and I are in IL visiting family and attending a baby shower for my baby sister (which is making me feel old, but that's a different story...) It is wonderful to see everyone here and I am so excited for Hunter's new cousin to arrive! I was petrified of flying alone with Hunter, but he did wonderful and I can only pray that he will do half as well on our return flight to see Ben. It was quite an adventure getting here between navigating the airport with a wild two year old, being delayed for 45 mins on the runway due to electrical problems with the plane and a poopy diaper during the flight, but we made it and we were even happy when we landed!
In just a couple weeks we will be traveling to TX for a wedding (congrats Jeremiah and Bethany!) and luckily we get to bring Ben with for that trip.
Nothing much exciting to report other than our trip, I will post pictures after I get back to Washington and get them all downloaded. In the meantime you will just have to be happy with my ramblings. Hope you all enjoyed all of the random pics!
Love, em
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The Bunny Express!
Hunter and Ben before church, aren't they adorable?
In case you don't know, Hunter has a slight obsession with trains. This silly boy can tell you ALL about trains. And he will... for hours... So, needless to say, when I found out that the Mount Ranier Scenic Railroad had an Easter train called the "Bunny Express" I got tickets right away! As you saw in the pictures, Hunter thought this was the best thing in the entire world. Not only did he get to take a ride on a steam train (yes folks, a steam engine) he also got to see the bunny and get some eggs! Eggs that were filled with CHOCOLATE :)
Now, I must admit that this whole experience was quite a trial. First, it was barely 40 degrees and raining out. I don't like cold rain. Second, the train was an hour late. And we had arrived a half hour early. Third, there was no where inside for us to wait for the train. Did I mention that it was cold and rainy? I sure wasn't a very happy camper by the time the train was ready to go. But, Hunter's excitement (along with the hot cocoa) made it all worth while!
Aside from the Bunny Express we also had a great time coloring eggs. No one in our house really cares much for hard boiled eggs so we decided to be really brave and dye RAW eggs. We only had a few casualties and no big messes! However, the next morning Hunter wanted to eat his easter eggs scrambled. When I gave him the plate he burst into tears. Ben and I immediately asked him what was wrong. Turns out Hunter thought that the eggs would be colored inside too! And he wanted blue eggs. So, after a trip to the store to get some food coloring we had blue eggs the next day :)
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter celebration like we did! I do feel like we didn't get to focus much on the real reason for Easter, but then again, it's not an easy thing to explain death and resurrection to a two year old... maybe next year he will be able to understand more.
He is risen!!!
Oh, wow!!!
Yes, this is within walking distance from our house :)
So...I know it's been toooooo long since I last posted when I can't even remember the web address for my own blog! Luckily I have it posted on my Facebook page, so I just linked to it from there.
While I'm pretty sure no one (other thank Kelly, thanks girl!) checks this, I guess I will TRY to post a little more often. Although, I think it's only been a couple months, which isn't really that bad, is it? Anyway, happy spring! A lot has changed with the Feicht family. For starters, we are now in the BEAUTIFUL state of Washington. Did I mention that it is absolutely gorgeous here? We fell in love with the state within a day of arriving, so needless to say we are pretty happy here!
Ben is still waiting to hear about a command slot, but in the meantime he's plenty busy in the job he has. Hunter and I are keeping busy learning about the area and enjoying having places to go. After Missouri we feel like we live in a thriving metropolis. I guess we kind of do since Seattle is only about 45 mins away! We have already had tons of awesome adventures. We have been to Pike's Market a few times, bought LOTS of fish there, went to an amazing wildlife park, visited the neatest zoo/aquarium, walked along Puget Sound, saw crabs and starfish living in the water... the list is endless! Yes, it does rain quite a bit here, but it's nothing that a good rain jacket and galoshes can't solve!
I'm going to cut this short and post some pictures from some of our WA adventures. Enjoy
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
WA, here we come!!! :)
So, despite the fact that we are moving in less than a week I have somehow found the time to update this darn blog :) Mostly I'm just really bored because most everything that I need to do has to be taken care of during business hours and Ben is at class tonight.
Anyway, we are getting all ready for our big move to Washington and I can't wait to get there! Of course, I'm really sad to be leaving all of the wonderful friends that we have made here in Missouri, but I am so excited to see what God has in store for us out in DuPont. This week we are finalizing all of the details of the move and my parents are arriving here in MO on Friday. My sweet mother has volunteered to drive all the way from Saint Robert, MO to DuPont, WA with Hunter and I so we didn't have to go alone. She's the best! The three of us will head out on Sunday morning and it should take us about four days of driving to get there. I'm not looking forward to 32+ hours in the car with a 2 year old.
As of right now it looks like the moving company will come to pack the house on Monday the 15th and they will pick up our household goods on the 16th. Poor Ben has finals that week for school, but hopefully he will have time to study while the moving company is there. Ben should be able to head out to Washington on Wednesday or Thursday and meet us up there. He's dreading the drive with the two cats, but I don't think that I could handle the kid and the cats. I think that he still has the better end of this deal :)
We have no idea when the movers will get to our new house, but we are praying for Friday the 19th so that we can hurry up and get settled as soon as possible! I'm anxious to see our cute new house since we have only seen it in pictures so far. I will try to post some pics once we get unpacked and the house looks presentable! :)
I'm sure there are a million other fun things to put on here, but right now I'm drawing a blank so I guess that's all for now. Please pray for safe travels for all of us and not much snow on our route. I love snow, but not when I have that far to drive.
Adios for now! em
Anyway, we are getting all ready for our big move to Washington and I can't wait to get there! Of course, I'm really sad to be leaving all of the wonderful friends that we have made here in Missouri, but I am so excited to see what God has in store for us out in DuPont. This week we are finalizing all of the details of the move and my parents are arriving here in MO on Friday. My sweet mother has volunteered to drive all the way from Saint Robert, MO to DuPont, WA with Hunter and I so we didn't have to go alone. She's the best! The three of us will head out on Sunday morning and it should take us about four days of driving to get there. I'm not looking forward to 32+ hours in the car with a 2 year old.
As of right now it looks like the moving company will come to pack the house on Monday the 15th and they will pick up our household goods on the 16th. Poor Ben has finals that week for school, but hopefully he will have time to study while the moving company is there. Ben should be able to head out to Washington on Wednesday or Thursday and meet us up there. He's dreading the drive with the two cats, but I don't think that I could handle the kid and the cats. I think that he still has the better end of this deal :)
We have no idea when the movers will get to our new house, but we are praying for Friday the 19th so that we can hurry up and get settled as soon as possible! I'm anxious to see our cute new house since we have only seen it in pictures so far. I will try to post some pics once we get unpacked and the house looks presentable! :)
I'm sure there are a million other fun things to put on here, but right now I'm drawing a blank so I guess that's all for now. Please pray for safe travels for all of us and not much snow on our route. I love snow, but not when I have that far to drive.
Adios for now! em
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