Every time I go to post on here I get a bit distracted by how long it has been since I last posted! Well, that and it seems like Hunter has a radar for this blog. As soon as I get settled in to type he either wakes up or gets bored playing.
Anyway, since I last updated we have had a few exciting things. First, Ben graduated from his Military Police Captain Career Course (yippee!!!) and we are all glad to have that over with. Now he is working half days and taking three more classes at night in order to finish up his masters degree. I'm so proud of him, he has really been working hard. We keep joking that maybe someday he will get a break, but I'm beginning to think that break may only come when he retires!
Hunter is getting bigger by the minute. He has now learned his alphabet and he has something new going on every day.
This week I will finish up my second class toward my degree and I'll be glad for a break. I won't take another course for a little bit because the timing doesn't work with our move. Speaking of the move, we don't have a place yet, but we are looking. We really don't know any details about the move or about Ben's job so it will be an adventure as usual! :) It seems like Hunter and I may end up driving out there before our house here gets packed up and then Ben will follow the moving truck up. That should be sometime near the middle of February if nothing changes.
As far as Ben's job, well.... we will see when we get there! He is hoping to get a command fairly quickly, so please be praying for that. I'm just looking forward to having a mall and some civilization nearby :)
Not much else exciting to report... I will try to post some pictures soon.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a blessed new year!!!
Love, Em
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
So, my accomplishment of writing more didn't last long. I'll blame it on all of the papers and discussion boards that I have been writing for classes! Speaking of classes, I finished the first one with an A (praise God!) and am now on the the second (and more challenging...) one. I should clarify that, I think that the first class was actually more intellectual work, but this one is challenging me more personally, but I'll just take it for what it's worth and enjoy the ride!
Ben is still super busy with his classes, sometimes we feel like all we do is homework. Okay, it's not just that we feel like it, it really is all that we do :) I guess we are just gluttons for punishment. I'm so proud of him though, a complete master's degree in about 7 months is definitely an achievement.
Hunter is doing great. He is always full of silliness, and his new FAVORITE thing is the movie Cars. Luckily, I actually enjoy the movie as well, but I will admit that I am already getting sick of it. He is constantly learning new things and he is so much fun, I really wish he could just stay this age forever!
We were able to take a great trip to Branson this past weekend for a marriage retreat put on by the Army, and had a wonderful time except that Hunter and I both got sick :( Despite that, we managed to learn a lot and enjoyed seeing the Dixie Stampede, too!
That's about all of our excitement for now. I will try to post some pictures soon!
Ben is still super busy with his classes, sometimes we feel like all we do is homework. Okay, it's not just that we feel like it, it really is all that we do :) I guess we are just gluttons for punishment. I'm so proud of him though, a complete master's degree in about 7 months is definitely an achievement.
Hunter is doing great. He is always full of silliness, and his new FAVORITE thing is the movie Cars. Luckily, I actually enjoy the movie as well, but I will admit that I am already getting sick of it. He is constantly learning new things and he is so much fun, I really wish he could just stay this age forever!
We were able to take a great trip to Branson this past weekend for a marriage retreat put on by the Army, and had a wonderful time except that Hunter and I both got sick :( Despite that, we managed to learn a lot and enjoyed seeing the Dixie Stampede, too!
That's about all of our excitement for now. I will try to post some pictures soon!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
A new record!!!
I think that posting two days in a row will definately be a record for me! :) Hunter is watching Cars for the millionth time, but I'm pretty sure he's fighting off this nasty cold that Ben and I both had, so I figure resting probably isn't such a bad thing. Ben is off to try to pick up the mattress set that we bought today for our spare room, hopefully he can somehow secure it to the top of his 4runner, I guess we will see. He forgot his cell phone, so I'm actually a bit nervous about the whole ordeal, but I'm trying to remain calm and just trust that it's all going to be alright! Anyway, I thought some new pictures would be appreciated so here they are. Enjoy!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Yeah, yeah... :)
So I think that I probably say this all the time, but I seriously must be the WORST blogger! I feel like we are just always so busy, and maybe it is actually a good thing, but this always gets put off to the end of the perpetual "to do" list. Anyway, we are doing great. Hunter is getting bigger all the time, he's a solid three feet tall now and at least 35 lbs, so he is definately growing strong, football - here we come! We had quite a bit of craziness with Ben's truck, but that has FINALLY gotten taken care of, and he is enjoying the new lifted 4runner with "big tires" as Hunter says :) I have finished my first grad class, woohoo!!! I think that I only have 12 or so left to go. I'll be done in no time! Okay, that's a lie, but Ben will actually have his first master's degree by the end of February and that is awesome. He is taking it super fast and will have only taken 6 or 7 months to earn the entire degree. Needless to say, we are pretty boring most nights and are usually both cramming at the computer, writing papers and fun stuff like that! We did finally take some time to go to St. Louis and had a great weekend with Hunter. We went to an amazing children's museum called the Magic House, visited Cabela's, had dinner at the tap room and stayed right downtown. The next day we went to "A Day Out with Thomas" and then to the zoo...so much fun! We have all been a little under the weather, but it just comes with the territory this time of year. Anyway, I will post new pics soon, my boys just got home from running a few errands and I think they brought ice cream for our apple pie, yummy!!! :)
Love, em
Love, em
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
pics, pics and more pics! :)
I think that I just might be the worst blogger on the planet :) That said, we have been super busy since our last blog. Hunter turned two on August 18 and we had a great party at my parent's house on the 16th. Ben is crazy busy with classes, and my classes are well on their way too. It's fun being back in school, but boy is it a lot of work! We are finally starting to settle into life in Misery, it's still boring, but at least we have a nice home, a good job and two cars! God has definately blessed us. Ben has gotten orders to Fort Lewis, Washington for March 1, so we will be moving sometime in the second half of February. I'm actually really looking forward to the area, I think it will be fun to have somewhere completely new to explore. Anyway, enjoy the pics. Kel, these are for you, gal! :)
Friday, July 10, 2009
Man, am I bad at this blogging stuff! I didn't even realize that it had been so long since I last posted, but alas, it is now July and time is sure flying! I guess I will start with a quick recap on the time that I completely missed here, and then we can move on to the current events of the Feicht family...
In the middle of May, my sweet husband fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinally got home from Afghanistan. It was a crazy couple of days, but we survived it, and even made the best of it. Of course, his plane landed at Fort Campbell at about 3am, and so Hunter and I had to leave our house at midnight to caravan over to the hangar. He was a trooper, and had a blast watching his daddy's plane land. We were able to spend about 15 minutes with Ben after the welcome home ceremony, and then he had to go get his bags, turn in weapons and all the other things that they have to do when they get home. So we finally were able to all head back to our house at about 5:30am, and we were beat! Hunter did wonderful though, and I couldn't have asked for a better homecoming.
About a month after Ben got home, we left Fort Campbell, KY and headed to Fort Leonard Wood, MO. We had a lot of crazniess getting here, but now we are getting settled in, and I'm just grateful to have had Ben home for this move. Our new place is nice, and I'm excited that for the first time ever, our bedroom furniture actually fits nicely into our room! We are super sad to have actually left Fort Campbell and all of the amazing friends that we had there though, so having a nice place here is bittersweet... We have been trying to find stuff to do here, but let me tell you, there really isn't anything here! So, if you are bored and want to come and visit us, PLEASE DO!!! I promise it will be boring here too, but at least then we can be bored together :)
Ben starts class here on Monday, and his class will finish up in the middle of December. We have no idea where we will be going after the class ends, but we are hoping for somewhere great! I guess we will have to just wait and see. In the meantime, Hunter and I are just going to try to fill our time as best as we can, and hopefully make some new friends, and maybe even do the whole potty training thing.
Ben and I are both working on our Master's degrees now, so that should keep us pretty busy as well, and I'm excited to get started on mine. Classes don't start for me until late in August, I'm taking them through Liberty University's distance learning program in Theological Studies. I have no idea where I want to go with it, but I'm just following orders and seeing what happens!
I guess that is our life in a nutshell for right now. I really want to get better at posting on here, and I promise to try to post some pics really soon!
Love you all!
In the middle of May, my sweet husband fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinally got home from Afghanistan. It was a crazy couple of days, but we survived it, and even made the best of it. Of course, his plane landed at Fort Campbell at about 3am, and so Hunter and I had to leave our house at midnight to caravan over to the hangar. He was a trooper, and had a blast watching his daddy's plane land. We were able to spend about 15 minutes with Ben after the welcome home ceremony, and then he had to go get his bags, turn in weapons and all the other things that they have to do when they get home. So we finally were able to all head back to our house at about 5:30am, and we were beat! Hunter did wonderful though, and I couldn't have asked for a better homecoming.
About a month after Ben got home, we left Fort Campbell, KY and headed to Fort Leonard Wood, MO. We had a lot of crazniess getting here, but now we are getting settled in, and I'm just grateful to have had Ben home for this move. Our new place is nice, and I'm excited that for the first time ever, our bedroom furniture actually fits nicely into our room! We are super sad to have actually left Fort Campbell and all of the amazing friends that we had there though, so having a nice place here is bittersweet... We have been trying to find stuff to do here, but let me tell you, there really isn't anything here! So, if you are bored and want to come and visit us, PLEASE DO!!! I promise it will be boring here too, but at least then we can be bored together :)
Ben starts class here on Monday, and his class will finish up in the middle of December. We have no idea where we will be going after the class ends, but we are hoping for somewhere great! I guess we will have to just wait and see. In the meantime, Hunter and I are just going to try to fill our time as best as we can, and hopefully make some new friends, and maybe even do the whole potty training thing.
Ben and I are both working on our Master's degrees now, so that should keep us pretty busy as well, and I'm excited to get started on mine. Classes don't start for me until late in August, I'm taking them through Liberty University's distance learning program in Theological Studies. I have no idea where I want to go with it, but I'm just following orders and seeing what happens!
I guess that is our life in a nutshell for right now. I really want to get better at posting on here, and I promise to try to post some pics really soon!
Love you all!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Okay, okay...
So, I was (politely) told today that I probably should update my blog. And this girl knows how to take a hint, so here it is, the updated blog :)
Hunter and I are now at Fort Campbell, KY and anxiously awaiting Ben's arrival back home with us! We moved here about a week ago and it was crazy, but everything did go quite well and we are getting all settled into our house here on base. We had never lived on an Army base before so this was a whole new adventure for us, but I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised at our new home. It's a duplex with three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a nice big living room, dining room and even a laundry room (praise God!) There are so many closets for storing all our junk, I mean stuff, in and that is a blessing as well. The very best part of the house is the wonderful fenced in back yard that Hunter just adores playing in. It's by no means large, but it is perfect for him to run in and that makes me one happy mommy! Ben is most excited about the two car garage that he can play with when he gets back. I'm just happy to have a nice place to live while we are waiting.
So far we have been quite busy and already have a membership to Nashville Zoo and have gone twice since we moved in. It's already spring here and I love that, I have had enough snow! I love snow, don't get me wrong, but I am ready for some nice warm weather. Hopefully we can keep busy and help the time pass quickly.
In case you are wondering where in the world Ben has been (figuratively, of course) he hasn't had internet in his room for the past couple months and so he can't access any websites outside of the "approved" network, which of course is basically no websites. Right now he can't even get into his yahoo email, so he's kind of frustrated with that. He's still working hard on his masters degree and will have 5 classes completed by the end of April. I'm so happy he has had the opportunity to start working on this, he has enjoyed it so far.
Well, not too much else exciting here I suppose. I'm hoping Ben will be back in about 6 weeks or so, but that's just speculation, I'm not totally sure when he will be coming back yet. Actually, I won't really know until he gets here, but that's just the Army for you! When he gets back he has 10 days of reintegration stuff to do, then he will be taking leave for a while and we are going to go to Gatlinburg for a little time in that period, and then he will have another 10 days of clearing Fort Campbell before we head to Fort Leonard Wood sometime around the end of June or beginning of July.
I suppose that is enough info for right now! I'll try to get some more pictures posted soon!
Love, em
Hunter and I are now at Fort Campbell, KY and anxiously awaiting Ben's arrival back home with us! We moved here about a week ago and it was crazy, but everything did go quite well and we are getting all settled into our house here on base. We had never lived on an Army base before so this was a whole new adventure for us, but I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised at our new home. It's a duplex with three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a nice big living room, dining room and even a laundry room (praise God!) There are so many closets for storing all our junk, I mean stuff, in and that is a blessing as well. The very best part of the house is the wonderful fenced in back yard that Hunter just adores playing in. It's by no means large, but it is perfect for him to run in and that makes me one happy mommy! Ben is most excited about the two car garage that he can play with when he gets back. I'm just happy to have a nice place to live while we are waiting.
So far we have been quite busy and already have a membership to Nashville Zoo and have gone twice since we moved in. It's already spring here and I love that, I have had enough snow! I love snow, don't get me wrong, but I am ready for some nice warm weather. Hopefully we can keep busy and help the time pass quickly.
In case you are wondering where in the world Ben has been (figuratively, of course) he hasn't had internet in his room for the past couple months and so he can't access any websites outside of the "approved" network, which of course is basically no websites. Right now he can't even get into his yahoo email, so he's kind of frustrated with that. He's still working hard on his masters degree and will have 5 classes completed by the end of April. I'm so happy he has had the opportunity to start working on this, he has enjoyed it so far.
Well, not too much else exciting here I suppose. I'm hoping Ben will be back in about 6 weeks or so, but that's just speculation, I'm not totally sure when he will be coming back yet. Actually, I won't really know until he gets here, but that's just the Army for you! When he gets back he has 10 days of reintegration stuff to do, then he will be taking leave for a while and we are going to go to Gatlinburg for a little time in that period, and then he will have another 10 days of clearing Fort Campbell before we head to Fort Leonard Wood sometime around the end of June or beginning of July.
I suppose that is enough info for right now! I'll try to get some more pictures posted soon!
Love, em
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Well, I have received a request for more pictures, so here you go! As long as I can get this crazy website to let me upload them...
Hunter had his 18 month checkup yesterday and he is quite a big guy! He's 33 inches tall (75th percentile) and 32lbs, 4oz (97th percentile) and growing by the minute. He has been learning new words all the time and I just love to hear his little voice. I just wish he would stay at this age forever, well, maybe minus the tantrums that seem to come with the territory. But, he is a lot of fun and I'm sure glad to have him around to keep me company while Ben is gone.
Speaking of that, we are down to about three months or so until Ben gets home and I CAN'T WAIT! Hopefully Hunter and I will be heading to Ft. Campbell here in the next month or so to get ready for Ben's homecoming, but a lot of that depends on housing and how long it takes to get our stuff down to Campbell, so it's all up in the air for right now. The good news is that we are actually moving on the housing list, so maybe we will get on base afterall. It might make things easier to do that since we won't be there for long. But, who knows. I suppose we will just see what happens and pray that it will be the right thing :)Hunter had his 18 month checkup yesterday and he is quite a big guy! He's 33 inches tall (75th percentile) and 32lbs, 4oz (97th percentile) and growing by the minute. He has been learning new words all the time and I just love to hear his little voice. I just wish he would stay at this age forever, well, maybe minus the tantrums that seem to come with the territory. But, he is a lot of fun and I'm sure glad to have him around to keep me company while Ben is gone.
Since I last blogged Hunter and I took a trip to Ohio and had a lot of fun visiting with Ben's parents and grandparents and all of the other family that lives there. Hunter travelled so well and it made for a great trip. At least I now have hope that we will survive all of the crazy moves that we have in store for us this year.
Everything is the same with Ben. He's keeping busy working on his Master's still and he doesn't have internet in his room right now, so he can't access many websites (including this one) so I suppose I will have to be his voice for the time being. He is getting very anxious to get back home and I have actually already purchased him a vehicle (don't worry, it's used) and is planning lots of modifications and stuff for it when he gets back. I guess he needs something to keep him busy while he is over there!
Well, I guess that is all for now. To all of my Clarksville friends, I will see you soon, Inshallah!
Love, em
Thursday, January 22, 2009
How time flies...
Seems like it has been forever since I last posted, and it has! It's been busy, but fun. Clara and Chad were married on Jan 10 and it was a beautiful wedding. Everything went smoothly and everyone had a great time, and that is all that we could ask for! Clara looked beautiful and she was lucky enough to get to wear TWO amazing gowns, one for the ceremony and formal pictures and then one for the reception. Lucky girl, huh? I'm glad she didn't have to choose between the two because they were both so amazing. Hunter did pretty good, he did walk down the aisle, but not by himself, he walked with me, but at least he made it to the altar. His babysitter was so amazing and she was willing to come to the ceremony to watch him, take him to her house in between and then bring him back for the reception and THEN keep him overnight so I didn't have to pick him up late. It was so incredible to just sleep in... it's always the small things that make us the happiest, right?
Let's see... Hunter and I are trying to keep busy and make the time go quickly until Ben gets home, and I think we have been doing alright so far. Yesterday we went to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago with some friends and we had a great time. Hunter really loved the museum, especially the farming exibit and the coal mining one, too! He was able to get up in the seat of a huge John Deere and he also went on a "choo choo" ride in the coal mine. Not a bad day!
Today he started Tumblebees again, he loves that. There are a lot more kids in the class this time, but it's good for him to interact with other kids.
Hopefully this weekend I will purchase a car (well, SUV acutally, a 4runner) for Ben to drive when he gets home. He is very excited about it, mostly because it means that he is getting closer to actually getting back home. And, if I like the 4runner, I might take it up to Ohio with me when I go in a couple weeks. It will be nice for Hunter to see his other grandparents and great-grandparents.
Well, I guess that is most of our excitement for right now. Someday I will get better about updating more often! Only about 4 or 5 months left until Ben is back! Yay!
Let's see... Hunter and I are trying to keep busy and make the time go quickly until Ben gets home, and I think we have been doing alright so far. Yesterday we went to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago with some friends and we had a great time. Hunter really loved the museum, especially the farming exibit and the coal mining one, too! He was able to get up in the seat of a huge John Deere and he also went on a "choo choo" ride in the coal mine. Not a bad day!
Today he started Tumblebees again, he loves that. There are a lot more kids in the class this time, but it's good for him to interact with other kids.
Hopefully this weekend I will purchase a car (well, SUV acutally, a 4runner) for Ben to drive when he gets home. He is very excited about it, mostly because it means that he is getting closer to actually getting back home. And, if I like the 4runner, I might take it up to Ohio with me when I go in a couple weeks. It will be nice for Hunter to see his other grandparents and great-grandparents.
Well, I guess that is most of our excitement for right now. Someday I will get better about updating more often! Only about 4 or 5 months left until Ben is back! Yay!
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