Well, I have received a request for more pictures, so here you go! As long as I can get this crazy website to let me upload them...
Hunter had his 18 month checkup yesterday and he is quite a big guy! He's 33 inches tall (75th percentile) and 32lbs, 4oz (97th percentile) and growing by the minute. He has been learning new words all the time and I just love to hear his little voice. I just wish he would stay at this age forever, well, maybe minus the tantrums that seem to come with the territory. But, he is a lot of fun and I'm sure glad to have him around to keep me company while Ben is gone.
Speaking of that, we are down to about three months or so until Ben gets home and I CAN'T WAIT! Hopefully Hunter and I will be heading to Ft. Campbell here in the next month or so to get ready for Ben's homecoming, but a lot of that depends on housing and how long it takes to get our stuff down to Campbell, so it's all up in the air for right now. The good news is that we are actually moving on the housing list, so maybe we will get on base afterall. It might make things easier to do that since we won't be there for long. But, who knows. I suppose we will just see what happens and pray that it will be the right thing :)Hunter had his 18 month checkup yesterday and he is quite a big guy! He's 33 inches tall (75th percentile) and 32lbs, 4oz (97th percentile) and growing by the minute. He has been learning new words all the time and I just love to hear his little voice. I just wish he would stay at this age forever, well, maybe minus the tantrums that seem to come with the territory. But, he is a lot of fun and I'm sure glad to have him around to keep me company while Ben is gone.
Since I last blogged Hunter and I took a trip to Ohio and had a lot of fun visiting with Ben's parents and grandparents and all of the other family that lives there. Hunter travelled so well and it made for a great trip. At least I now have hope that we will survive all of the crazy moves that we have in store for us this year.
Everything is the same with Ben. He's keeping busy working on his Master's still and he doesn't have internet in his room right now, so he can't access many websites (including this one) so I suppose I will have to be his voice for the time being. He is getting very anxious to get back home and I have actually already purchased him a vehicle (don't worry, it's used) and is planning lots of modifications and stuff for it when he gets back. I guess he needs something to keep him busy while he is over there!
Well, I guess that is all for now. To all of my Clarksville friends, I will see you soon, Inshallah!
Love, em
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