Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New phone...

It's time for new phones for our family. As we were agonizing over the Droid X versus the Droid pro and all of the millions of other choices, it began to occur to me that maybe, just maybe, it didn't matter. I mean, do we REALLY need to have the latest and greatest phone? Is it honestly that important if we have the ability to check our email every minute of the day, and facebook, and the millions of other distractions? So, my dilemma is this... what kind of phone?

Part of me really wants to just go back to the (gasp!) simple, non-internet friendly phone. Yes, I will miss being able to catch up with facebook when I'm bored and waiting in line somewhere. But seriously, is it going to kill me? I might have to strike up a conversation with a stranger who may just need someone to listen to them for a minute! Or maybe, just maybe, I may find myself interacting with my son instead of checking to see what junk email just hit my inbox. And just think of the money I can save as well! There is a world of possibilities there too! I could sponsor a child from Ethiopia, I could buy a new shirt, take a friend to lunch, spend a day at the zoo with Hunter... the list goes on!

So.... what kind of phone do you have?

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